Friday, July 8, 2011

Monkey invasion!!

Mom just shouted "MONKEY A!"

just a few minutes ago, since I'm in the office slacking off, I decided to post this out xD

Apparently the monkeys are trying to get the bananas from the plant my dad planted. Bananas aren't ripe so the monkeys are choosing LOL it's like a supermarket to them. Just that they have to go through the risk of getting chased away by my dad.

Oh ya, by the way, there's a super huge garden by the side of the office, changed from a scary bush accumulation to a garden. It's not much but hey, it's his pride and joy :D

First squirrels, then eagles, now monkeys.. Wonder what's next.. oh wait, there had been an occurrence of a goat nearby XD


  1. WAOW!!!! AWESOMENESS!! How close do you get to these animals when they come??????!

  2. Sometimes they are right in front of me then i freeze.. nak ambik gambar aso cannot.. takut nanti monkey take my phone XD there was once a green snake next to my face and i didn't notice for a good 5 mins till my mum told me to move.
