Monday, April 18, 2011

Glass to the max!!!

I so want this weiii:

Super cool~~cant wait for this to actually happen :P

So many things happened d lar...
What to do... anyone? T.T

1 comment:

  1. You have a reader right here! But most of the time I don't know how to respond to your posts. =/

    Obstacles in life make us stronger somehow. But too much of it makes us feel worthless (Kinda like 'WHY ME???!') . The feeling of nobody being there to help you when you need social support most are the moments when you have to deal things alone, or turn to God for help. Not trying to sound pessimistic here but in the end, we are all alone.

    Ermm not sure if I should be saying this but why don't you try find a goal, or something that you would like to achieve in life? Not sure if it'll work for you but that's my main source of motivation so far.

    Hope I could be some help. Maybe you wouldn't think much of me cause I'm not physically around to help you but please think that in some corner of earth there is still a friend that will always pray for the best for you.

    p/s: If you find this too optimistic and unreal, can anggap that this siao poh is here just to spam your comment box. LOL Good Luck!
